Ignite Your Potential: Transform Your Skills into Superpowers

We have the potential to be so much more, but we end up being a jack of all trades a master of none. We aim to be great at everything and usually end up not particularly good at anything. I think it has to do with being told to concentrate on our weaknesses and get rid of them.
This often leads us to take our strengths for granted. The right approach should be to realize your potential and capitalize on it. Making what you are good at your ‘Superpower’.
Table of Contents
Identifying Your Potential Superpower

I have always believed I am a good problem solver. It can be the technical problems at work. You could be coordinating with others in my personal life to get to a solution to an issue faced. It has largely got to do with my knack for doing good unbiased research.
You could be someone similar, be a great speaker, listener, etc. It is easy to identify your superpower if you know where to look. Just imagine a typical day and try to notice what kind of issues people usually approach you with.
Do people easily share their concerns with you?
Are you someone they seek when they get into some kind of financial trouble?
Are you the go-to guy to negotiate a tricky situation with other individuals?
These minor things that you might take for granted could be your superpower on which others depend.
Nurturing Your Potential Superpower

Just identifying your superpower is not enough. When you try to identify your superpower, you might find multiple things you are good at. The next step is which of them you are passionate about. There are certain things that you are more than willing to do for free, for yourself or others. These skills come naturally to you, these don’t drain you but motivate you further. Nurture these skills, and try to gather more information that helps you to hone these skills. This is an essential step in your journey to being a ‘Brand’.
Identify Your Weakness

In your journey to success and leadership, an important thing to know is your weakness. You need to identify the people around you who can help you overcome your weaknesses by working with you. In Avengers Hulk is not expected to aim a perfect shot with a bow and arrows. Hawkeye is not expected to punch Leviathan to oblivion. Both of them have a role in the team. It is important to identify such people and keep them close. If you cannot do something make sure you can get someone else to do it for you. It can be for money or exposure, whatever you can offer.
Strategise Your Long Game
Now that you have identified your Superpower and Kryptonite, the next step is to identify where to use it. Narrow down your focus to the best utilization of said skill.
Next, create a plan to market your skill to those around you. Your name should become synonymous with the skill in question. You should build towards becoming an authority as far as your superpower is concerned, the go-to guy. This will not happen overnight, it is a long game. Slowly prove your mettle. Stay aware of what is happening around you. Look for every opportunity to put your skills to the test. Every time you test yourself, you get better than before.
Be A Brand In Service Of Others
This whole exercise is to create a ‘Brand’, an authority in the skill of your choosing. The power you command should solve problems. The final goal of a brand is to create an influence. An influence that can make the world a better place. One that is ready to help people out of a tough situation. Since you have identified your superpower, help others to identify theirs. Not everyone would be as blessed as you in being able to identify it. This is where you need to become the guide, be Yoda to Luke, and help others realize their true potential. Being a brand is not the end, but a beginning. If you follow these steps the superpower you gain will be nothing like you have ever had.
Someone once said ‘With Great Powers, Comes Great Responsibilities’. In this case, your responsibility is to help others reach the same heights.
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